5 Reasons Why Your Computer Will Not Play Video

Having a computer is beneficial not only for playing games, doing school work, networking with friends and family, surfing the internet, and more, but it comes in very handy when you want to watch videos or movies in your own time.

But it doesn't help if something has gone wrong, and you can't get to play your videos anymore. In this short article, I will share some quick fixes and recommendations you can try before contacting your local computer repair shop professional.

There are a number of ways in which you can watch videos on your computer, and the software you use is determined by the circumstances in which you are trying to play the video. For example, your computer most likely makes use of completely different types of programming to play videos that you record and transfer to your computer using your camera than it does to stream videos from a website. Therefore, if you are having problems getting your computer to play video, there may be a number of different things at play that are causing the problem.

Below are some of the more common reasons why your computer will not play video:

❓ Is Your Video Player Updated? If you do not update your video-playing programs regularly, you may be missing important updates, in which case you will have problems launching your player and getting it to function properly.

⚠ Missing Necessary Plugins. Many video players on the Internet operate using plugins (programs that enable specific functionality necessary to display/run information on a website). If you are missing a plugin that is needed to play a video, you will likely get a message prompting you to download the corresponding plugin.

⚠ Outdated Device Drivers. With the increase in technology and the advancement of video capabilities, computer manufacturers have the daunting task of trying to keep device drivers up to date and compatible with all the constant changes. This in itself does not present a huge problem, as there are simple steps that you can take to make sure your computer can accommodate these changes, such as updating your computer's hardware drivers manually.

This can be done by visiting your computer manufacturer's website to download and install the latest drivers or by using software technology to automate the process of keeping your drivers updated. There is a wide array of these tools readily available on the Internet for purchase. The tools that come to mind that we recommend are some of the top Antivirus software or CCleaner (which both have driver update features). They monitor your computer and alert you when new driver updates are available for download.

⚠ Incompatible Video Codec. Online videos are “written” for video-playing programs using codecs. A codec is like a language; video-playing programs basically interpret a video's codec to put a picture on your screen. If a video player is not familiar with the particular language—or codec—your video is written in, then it will not be able to play it. In the case of codec errors, your best bet is to download a compatible player.

⚠ Not Enough Memory. Believe it or not, your computer must draw from its memory resources in order to play videos. If your computer is short on memory, then it simply won't be able to deliver the needed resources to display the video graphics when you press the play button. In addition, if your computer has an inadequate graphics card installed, the likelihood of you playing videos smoothly is very low.

If none of the methods or action steps outlined above work for you, then you have a more serious problem. However, there's no need to worry, because our local computer repair experts can fix this problem.

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