At it's core, your computer's operating system is the brain of your computer and without it, you can do NOTHING! The harsh reality is that your operating system can crash or malfunction at any given time, without notice or fair warning.
There are several things that could cause this to happen, and I will share some of the most common ones that come to mind, and you may try to resolve the problem on your own – if you are willing to take on the risk involved in some of these steps of recovery.
However, you do not have to take on this challenge yourself, but I'll lay down a few guidelines you may follow.
If you try to start your computer only to find that you can't even get past the all-important point of loading your operating system, then it is only natural that you might feel that you are at a loss when it comes to solving your problem. After all, how can you troubleshoot if you can't even operate your computer?
Fortunately, there are some practical solutions to this common problem, and they begin with a basic understanding of the underlying causes.
Here are just a few things you can try:
The files necessary for your computer's startup process may be corrupted in a number of different ways – installing/uninstalling programs and improper entry/deletion of registry keys, for example – and this corruption can render your computer incapable of accessing your operating system. The best, simplest, and easiest way to resolve this problem is to insert your operating system's Startup disc and start your computer up again, from scratch.
The Boot.ini file is what your computer refers to during the Startup process to determine which options to load and enable during the Startup process. If your boot file is corrupted, then your operating system will not be able to load correctly. The best way to troubleshoot this problem is to use your Recovery Console's Boot cfg tool to fix it. Access this tool from the Recovery Console command prompt.
There are certain sections of your hard disk devoted to startup processes. If the information in these sections of your hard disk is corrupted in any way, then your computer will not be able to start up. If you get a hard disk error message every time your operating system fails to load, then you can either attempt to fix the problem yourself.
This can be done from the Recovery Console, or you can consult with a local computer repair shop for troubleshooting options. Just write down the error message you are getting so you can relay it to the repair technician.
As you can see, these steps require that you have quite a bit of knowledge of what you are doing to troubleshoot your operating system not loading. For that reason, I recommend that you leave these types of problems to a well-trained and expert computer repair professional to restore your computer to its working condition.
At Bridgeport Computer Masters, we offer you a complimentary FREE Diagnostic scan to find out what's wrong with your computer and exactly what is needed before we start fixing it. That way you get to decide if this is something that you can afford immediately or wait a while to get the problem fixed.
Call or Text Us Today: (203) 463-5397
...And let our well-trained and experienced staff repair your computer at a price you can afford. Plus, we fix it right the first time!
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